A Washington State Ecotourism Adventure out of Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula

A smiling boy holds up a yellow and black spotted banana slug in the palm of his hand

Ecotourism highlights local destinations

Your guide lives and works in Port Angeles, which happens to be the gateway city to Hurricane Ridge, a must see destination on the Olympic Peninsula.  With the exception of tours west of Lake Crescent like Hoh Rainforest elk and hiking tours, guided ecotours are designed to travel within a ~20 mile (~32 km) radius of Port Angeles.  From Sequim Bay to Lake Crescent on Highway 101, along the Strait of Juan de Fuca on Highway 112, and Hurricane Ridge, are all local destinations allowing for excellent access to Olympic Peninsula biodiversity within a mere 20 miles of Port Angeles.  Taking advantage of these short driving distances allows us to conserve fossil fuels as most of our time is spent burning calories while hiking, snowshoeing, tidepooling, and searching for wildlife.

Find out additional information about Experience Olympic as an Olympic Peninsula tour operator.

Four hikers with backpacks on a Washington State ecotourism adventure with lot of green vegetation

West-End Destinations

If you want to travel to more distant Olympic Peninsula destinations from Port Angeles, Washington such as the Sol Duc (40 miles; 1.5 hours), La Push area coastal beaches (70 miles; 1.5 hours), Ozette (76 miles; 2 hours), Neah Bay (81 miles; 2 hours), or the Hoh Rainforest (91 miles; 2 hours) - we can drive you there.  Tours west of Lake Crescent are organized as longer day tours because of the longer driving distances as we still want to have time for hiking, tidepooling, and looking for wildlife.

Close up of a female Sooty Grouse, who was making soft contact calls to her young as they foraged in the Washington State meadow below her

Wildlife viewing is the focus of Olympic Peninsula ecotourism

Understanding wildlife behavior and habitat requirements in order to better view wildlife often involves experience, observation skills, naturalist intelligence, and a bit of luck. This is where your naturalist, hiking, and birding guide Carolyn Wilcox enters into the picture and results in a unique Washington State ecotourism opportunity. Bird watching (or birding) is a common focus because birds are generally diverse, charismatic, vocal, and exciting to view with binoculars and a spotting scope at all Olympic Peninsula ecotourism destinations and at all times of the year.  We can bird casually or this can be the focus of our experience when you organize an Olympic Peninsula Birding Tour through ExperienceOlympic.

Washington State's Lake Crescent pictured at dusk with colorful clouds

Small group emphasis for Washington State ecotourism

Our small Washington State ecotours out of Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula are generally limited to six participants (unless you are interested in guide service), allowing us greater opportunity to enjoy wildlife. When trying to view wildlife, the fewer number of people the better. Participating in our brand of Washington State ecotourism ensures that you will have quality time with your naturalist guide to ask many questions and receive quality one-on-one attention.

Close-up of a Licorice Fern on a moss-covered branch in Washington State

Port Angeles ecotourism emphasizes wildlife hotspots

The next few decades in particular will offer a unique opportunity for the Elwha River, near Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula.  The completion of the historic Elwha Dam Removal has increased wild salmon populations, moved sediment, and has already started to restoring the Elwha ecosystem in a profound manner. Researchers anticipate changes in Olympic Peninsula wildlife and you will hopefully “bear” witness to increased opportunities for exceptional wildlife viewing on Elwha River hiking and dam removal tours.

Washington State's Elwha River shown here in stunning blue with mountains in the background and framed by trees

Small ecological footprint of Washington State ecotourism

Olympic National Park Tours with Experience Olympic, Port Angeles WA 98362 is always looking for ideas to help us lower our ecological footprint.  These are our current Port Angeles ecotourism practices:

Minimal carbon footprint due to focus on local destinations out of Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula

Place-based community-minded Olympic Peninsula ecotourism business

Supports the local economy of Port Angeles by being a year-round resident

The Vermillion Star is an uncommon bright orange star found during a low tide on Washington State ecotourism adventures

Pays 3% of gross profits while guiding in Olympic National Park to the park annually

Supports Port Angeles and Olympic Peninsula conservation efforts

Future plans involve an energy-efficient vehicle

Emphasis on leave no trace and conservation

Reusable and durable water bottles