Wolves Can Help Save Adorable Olympic Marmots
The Olympic Marmot could receive endangered species status, is a prey of non-native coyotes but is likely too small to interest native wolves.
How to Pack for Day Hikes and Backpacking
Our packing list is for hiking on the Olympic Peninsula to assist you in planning the best Olympic National Park vacation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We have tried to answer some common questions in the hope that you will stay for at least one night in Port Angeles and hire us as your guide so you can ask us all the questions
Leave No Trace on the Olympic Peninsula
We discuss leave no trace principals in regards to sustainability, conservation, shared transit, proper waste disposal, and tidepooling responsibly in Olympic National Park.
Hiking Safety on the Olympic Peninsula
We offer advice on hiking safety in Olympic National Park by discussing tidepooling, stinging insects like wasps, and large mammals like black bears.
Swallowtail Butterfly Explosion
2023 was a good year for all three species of swallowtail butterfly on the Olympic Peninsula. The Pale Swallowtail is the one photographed on a cedar branch.
RIP Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge
The Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge burned down on May 7, 2023, limiting access and natural interpretation of subalpine ecology at Hurricane Ridge.
Fairy Barf Lichen, Hoh Rainforest
A common name for this pale green with pink poka dot lichen (Icmadophila ericetorum) is Fairy Barf. Can you imagine Tinkerbell with an upset stomach?