Take your Birding in Olympic National Park to the Next Level on a Guided Tour with Carolyn
Join us to explore summer breeding bird diversity, winter seabirds, and spring and fall bird migration on a private guided bird watching day tour. All abilities are welcome! Over 300 bird species have been identified in Clallam County alone in one year. Check out Carolyn's eBird profile. She started leading bird walks as a teacher in 2003 and has been studying birds as a student, scientist, and nature lover since 1996. She participates in Christmas Bird Counts (CBC) as well as USGS North American Breeding Bird Surveys (BBS). Join Carolyn to not only identify birds, but to study bird behavior, enjoy songs and calls, and appreciate habitat complexity.
Hiring Independent Local Bird Guides and Bring Birds Back
Experienced birding guides know the birds, the destinations, migration patterns, possible safety concerns, support sustainable use, and advocate for the rural communities where we live. You can consider hiring us for a two night Neah Bay birding tour package and can read a detailed multi-day birding tour review from a past birding tour participant.
We look forward to sharing stories and information about enhancing wildlife habitat at home and bringing birds back. Consider getting rid of lawn, planting more native plants, avoiding toxins, keeping cats indoors, protecting birds from windows, reducing light pollution, buying Bird Friendly coffee, and so much more.

Olympic National Park Has Outstanding Birds and Scenery
We can have it all - birds and amazing scenery! Although we don't typically visit the Dungeness River on our Olympic National Park guided tours, there is still scenic beauty in the Dungeness landscapes and mountain vistas. Most of the scenic must-see Olympic National Park tour destinations also have great birds, like the Hoh Rainforest, Olympic Coast, and Lake Crescent. Organizing a guided birding tour to Hurricane Ridge is always highly recommended. In the subalpine meadows at Hurricane Ridge there are paved trails and we can walk as far as you are willing and able. Birding from the parking lot can be very productive, especially when birds are in migration, during courtship, and when feeding young.
Our Private Customized Tours Focus on the Birds and Habitats You Want
You might be interested in just seeing whatever birds are present in the Olympic National Park tour destinations that interest you, or you might want to structure your guided birding tour to focus on trying to see certain bird species. For example, you might choose to focus on Pacific Northwest specialty birds that have a limited geographical range, birds you have never seen before - Life Birds, breeding birds like Tufted Puffin, songbirds that are best heard in May and June, and so forth. eBird shows the frequency of species observations for Clallam County compiled from January to December to help in your decision-making and we have listed the bird species for our top four recommended birding tours below.

Primary Birding Tour Options and Expected Species List
Hurricane Ridge. Half or Full Day. Add in Ediz Hook for a full day tour. Spectacular alpine meadows and Subalpine Fir provide summer breeding habitat for Sooty Grouse, Canada Jay, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Townsend's Solitaire, Hermit Thrush, American Pipit, Horned Lark, Red Crossbill, Pine Grosbeak, and Evening Grosbeak. Ancient and managed forests on or near the Hurricane Ridge road are good places to look and listen for Red-breasted Sapsucker, Western and Hammond's Flycatcher, Steller's Jay, Pacific Wren, Swainson's Thrush, Wilson's and MacGillivray's Warbler, and many more. We commonly view Olympic Marmot and Chipmunk, Black-tailed Deer, and less often Snowshoe Hare and Black Bear at Hurricane Ridge.
Ediz Hook. Half Day. Can be combined with Hurricane Ridge or Salt Creek County Park and the Elwha River Mouth. Ediz Hook is an industrialized natural sandspit that forms the Port Angeles harbor. Ediz Hook is one of the best sites on the Olympic Peninsula for year-round observations of Harlequin Duck and Marbled Murrelet. Ediz Hook also provides summer habitat for Brandt's and Pelagic Cormorant, Common Loon, Rhinocerous Auklet, Pigeon Guillemot, California and Olympic Gull, Black Oystercatcher, Peregrine Falcon, Brewer's Blackbird, and many more. You can best enjoy a diversity of waterfowl, loons, grebes, alcids, gulls, and shorebirds on Ediz Hook during spring and fall migration as well as in the winter. We commonly observe Harbor Seals and California Sea Lions, less frequently view River Otters, and rarely view Orcas.
Dungeness. Half or Full Day. We will visit Dungeness ebird hotspots that encompass a national wildlife refuge and river estuary. These are not places we normally visit for guided tours but the former prairie landscape dotted with wetlands is great for Olympic bird diversity. These sites provide good summer habitat for Short-billed and Ring-billed Gull, Caspian Tern, Black-bellied Plover, Western Sandpiper, Virginia Rail, California Quail, Violet-Green Swallow, Purple Martin, Western Wood-Pewee, American Dipper, Spotted Towhee, Purple Finch, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Tanager, and many more. We have a good chance of viewing Black-tailed Deer and the wild Sequim Roosevelt Elk herd.
Cape Flattery. Full Day Tour. Neah Bay, Cape Flattery, and Hobuck Beach encompass some of the best ebirding hotspots on the Olympic Peninsula. The Makah Nation is one of your guide's favorite places in the world. Birds we have a good chance of seeing or hearing in or around Neah Bay over the summer include Greater Scaup, Surf and White-winged Scoter, Hooded and Common Merganser, Red-throated and Pacific Loon, Red-necked Grebe, Tufted Puffin, Common Murre, Black Turnstone, Least Sandpiper, Band-tailed Pigeon, Bald Eagle, Rufous Hummingbird, Vaux's and Black Swift, Cliff and Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Varied Thrush, Hutton's and Warbling Vireo, Black-throated Gray and Townsend's Warbler, and many more species including crazy rare birds like Painted Redstart. We commonly view Steller and California Sea Lion and Sea Otters at Cape Flattery.

Olympic National Park Bird Diversity
Below we list general information about the birds of the Olympic Peninsula that we are likely to see on our Olympic National Park guided birding tours to help savor the diversity of birds and bird habitats.
Brant: The beautiful small geese with white necklaces on contrasting black bodies winter exclusively in coastal habitat and in the Salish Sea. Although they can be viewed from roughly October to February, they are in highest numbers during spring migration. As you can see in the photo, they will come close to shore in order to graze green sea lettuce algae (seaweed).

Snow Goose: The common Canada Goose is so highly adaptable that it can breed on small engineered ponds in someone's backyard. Unlike the ubiquitous Canada Goose, large flocks of migrating Snow Geese and Cackling Geese migrate through the Pacific flyway on their way to or from breeding in the Arctic and can be identified by their aerial contact calls.
Greater White-fronted Goose: Like Brant, this is another arctic breeding goose that winters on the Olympic Peninsula. Geese imprint on their parent so it is not uncommon to find a odd goose that has imprinted on a different species. Observing large flocks of Cackling, Snow, and Greater White-fronted during migration in May and September is a memorable sight and sound.

Trumpeter Swan: The largest of native North American waterfowl, the Trumpeter Swan can be found largely near Dungeness grazing in rapidly decreasing farm habitat. An occasional Tundra Swan can also be observed from roughly November to April. Before farms, Dungeness/Sequim was a Garry Oak Savannah and native prairie grassland.
Wood Duck: The breeding male Wood Duck is a sight to behold with his green helmet and all the colors in the rainbow in his elaborate plumage. They are found in our wetlands year-round and have distinctive facial markings around the eye as well as a colorful speculum. A female is shown on the left preening one of her immature offspring on a log in the Hoh Rainforest.
Dabbling Ducks: Northern Shoveler breed north into Alaska and are largely absent from about June to August. The large spoon-like bill make this species easy to identify. Gadwall males have a black rear ends that are easy to identify but the female alone is quite similar to a female Mallard with a plainer face and different bill. Areas like Dungeness and Neah Bay are rich in shallow wetlands and thus good places to find these species.

Wigeons: Although the Eurasian Wigeon is rare, when you have flocks of hundreds of American Wigeons during breeding there are often a few Eurasian Wigeons mixed in. Females are hard to decipher but the male American has a green head and male Eurasian has a brick red head. Shown flying are a Northern Shoveler (top) and American Wigeon (bottom).
Dabbling Ducks Continued: Birds of Prey like the Bald Eagle prey on dabbling ducks like the Northern Pintail seen here. Pintails are regal-looking ducks due to their long slender necks which help with identification of the female. Both have slender dark bills unlike Mallards. Green-winged Teal are the most common of the Teal species and are small ducks and size alone helps to identify them.
Greater Scaup: Usually found in saltwater over fresh water, unlike the Lesser Scaup. The Aythya ducks are all very similar looking with the Greater Scaup being fairly common. They breed in the tundra regions in North America including Alaska. They are not as common here in the summer as during the rest of the year.
Harlequin Duck: We are fortunate to have this remarkable diving duck year-round in the Port Angeles harbor. Mated pairs like the colorful male and comparatively drab female are shown here swimming next to intertidal rocks in the Salish Sea, they will breed up our wild and scenic rivers. However, we can still view them year-round because non-breeding individuals will remain in the Salish Sea.

Surf Scoter: Scoters are Seaducks that hold their tails in a manner similar to Ruddy Duck. Adult male Surf Scoter have a colorful bulbous bill as well as contrasting white patches. Bufflehead are pictured with an adult and immature male Surf Scoters. Surf Scoter is the most common Scoter species observed, followed by White-winged and Black Scoters.

Bufflehead: Buffleheads or Bubbleheads are small diving ducks with a large head and small grey bill. Female Bufflehead are about the same size as female Harlequins but have more of a single white stripe on the head. Female Harlequin Duck has a white spot and white near the bill that looks like separate white spots. Although numerous in winter, Bufflehead are hard to find in the summer.
Long-tailed Duck: These beautiful social diving ducks are found on Ediz Hook from roughly October to May. Both sexes are colorful black, white, gray, and brown and as the name describes, the males have a long tail. They breed in the Arctic and are often Life Birds due to their northern range.

Barrow's Goldeneye: Although Common Goldeneye are far more abundant in the winter here on the Olympic Peninsula, the less common Barrow's Goldeneye breeds on Olympic Peninsula lakes. This photo of the Barrow's Goldeneye with the chicks was taken in an Olympic National Park mountain lake.
Common Merganser: Although an adult male is not pictured here, the male has a white and black body and striking green head. Adult female Common Merganser has a brown head and gray body. Both sexes have long thin sharp red bills. They breed up our wild and scenic rivers and can be found here year-round. Sometimes you see large numbers of young as the female can lay up to 17 eggs.

Red-breasted Merganser: This diving duck breeds in the northern U.S. and Canada and can be observed commonly on the Olympic Peninsula from roughly October to May. They have more punk rock-looking head feathers when compared to the Common Merganser.

Hooded Merganser: This small diving duck breeds in similar pond habitats as the Wood Duck, sometimes even trying to breed in the same nesting cavity (whether natural or a nestbox). These Hooded Merganser chicks were photographed in the Hoh Rainforest.
Cormorants: Cormorants are highly adaptive and amazing underwater predators. The Port Angeles harbor has a large breeding colony of Pelagic Cormorants that breed on abandoned human infrastructure and are the only species that breed here. Non-breeding Brandt's Cormorants and Double-crested Cormorants are found here year-round.
Loons: Common Loon generally do not breed here but can commonly be found year-round. One individual is in breeding (alternative) plumage and the two swimming together are shown in winter (basic) plumage. They can be heard yodeling in the spring and fall. They are a large bird with bills that are usually held at a 90 degree angle.
Loons (Continued): Unlike the Common Loon, the Pacific and Red-throated Loons are less common. Pacific Loons often are more gregarious compared to the other loon species found here. Red-throated loons often swim close to shore, have thin upturned-looking bills (often held at a <90 degree angle) and are a easier to observe. Yellow-billed and Arctic Loons are rare.
Grebes: Grebes are difficult to find in the summer and relatively numerous from roughly October to April. Non-breeding Eared and Horned Grebes are very similar with a different head shape and size. The lovely Red-necked Grebe has a long yellow bill which is a good identifying feature year-round, especially because non-breeding birds lack a red neck.
Grebes (Continued): Pied-billed Grebe breed here on small ponds. The two Pied-billed Grebes pictured are preening, an important activity for aquatic birds like loons and grebes that can not walk on land. Western Grebes are generally not as numerous when compared Horned and Red-necked Grebe and when present can be in large numbers.
Rhinoceros Auklet: This Alcid that uses its wings as propellers underwater are closely related to Puffins. We think of them as "poor man's puffin" since they are so much easier to observe here year-round. Olympic Peninsula's Protection Island provides critical habitat for one of the largest nesting colonies of Rhinoceros Auklets in the world.
Tufted Puffin: Tufted Puffins breed on Tatoosh Island and can be observed from Cape Flattery. During the winter, Tufted Puffins move offshore so this is one of our seabirds that can only be viewed in the summer from roughly June to August. Horned Puffins are a species that occur further north but rarely drop down into our neck of the woods.
Marbled Murrelet: This is likely the rarest bird that we are likely to see (with a spotting scope) thanks to Olympic National Park. Unlike other Alcids in our area, the Marbled Murrelet nests in the tops of ancient conifer trees and these trees largely only exist within the protected confines of the park. Ancient Murrelet can be found here in good numbers in the winter only.

Pigeon Guillemot: If you think of "Pigeons" as common birds, during the summer this is our easiest Alcid to observe since it is adaptable enough to nest on human infrastructure. It also nests in nearshore cliff cavities and is very vocal and colonial. Non-breeding plumage is much less striking and the birds are often farther away from shore.
Common Murre: Unlike Puffins, these Alcids are relatively easy to find year-round close to shore. However, during the breeding season, you do need to visit their breeding colony at Tatoosh Island off Cape Flattery. Alcids can also be described as "Penguins of Northern latitudes" and the long bill of this species and coloration resembles a Penguin.

Brown Pelican: Brown Pelicans breed in the Gulf of California and then migrate as far north as British Columbia. Usually we see them on the Pacific Ocean but they do enter the Salish Sea as well. We don't usually see them from roughly February to April but we often see them at other times of year, especially in September.
Gulls: Like Brown Pelicans, Heermann's Gull also breeds in Mexico's Gulf of California and then migrates north to the Olympic Peninsula after breeding. They are here from roughly June to November and are easy to identify thanks to their bright red bill and coloration. Short-billed Gull is with us year-round, though in smaller numbers when they are breeding up North.

Gulls: Ring-billed Gull range and habitat are why we should not call Gulls "Seagulls" as they are the most common Gull that you will see inland. On the Olympic Peninsula, the range of the Western Gull and Glaucous-winged Gull overlap, giving us a hybrid gull that we will call the Olympic Gull. We are at the northernmost part of the Western Gulls range.

Gulls: Herring Gull is a large pink-legged gull and is here from roughly August to May, breeding further north, and more commonly observed on the outer coast. Like Ring-billed Gull, California Gull is also an inland gull that breeds in colonies on islands and human infrastructure in lakes and rivers.

Glaucous-winged Gull: The Glaucous-winged Gull hybridizes with mostly Western Gulls on the Olympic Peninsula. We call the hybrid Glaucous-winged and Western, the Olympic Gull and these are the gulls that breed on human infrastructure as well as on islands and in natural habitat.

Gulls and Terns: Iceland Gull (formerly Thayer's Gull) breeds in the Arctic and winters on the Olympic Peninsula from roughly September to May. Capian Tern are here from April to September with small numbers later in the year as well and are best observed in the bay formed by Dungeness Spit and near the mouth of the Dungeness River.
Black Oystercatcher: These shorebirds are year-round residents and are among some of the most entertaining birds that are active during low tides. Named for the long bright bill that can pry shellfish off rocks, they are gregarious and vocal in their activities in nearshore environments.
Plovers: Plovers can be identified by their short bills and slower motion habits. A Black Turnstone is also shown with the non-breeding Black-bellied Plover. A breeding Pacific Golden Plover (rare) is a slender taller bird. Other plovers on the Olympic Peninsula are American Golden Plover (rare), Killdeer, and Semipalmated Plover.
Whimbrel and Marbled Godwit: Whimbrel are seen from roughly the end of April to early October in associate with the Dungeness Spit, Neah Bay, and the outer coast. A small number of Godwit are possible in similar habitats year-round but can be found in flocks in April and September - October. Bar-tailed and Hudsonian Godwit are both rare.
Spotted Sandpiper: Only a few shorebirds breed in Olympic National Park and the Spotted Sandpiper is one of those. Harlequin Ducks, Common Merganser, and American Dipper also depend on these clear cool wild rivers. Spotted Sandpiper are here from roughly May to September.
Black Turnstone: Black Turntone are almost always in flocks that can include other less common shorebirds species like Ruddy Turnstone, Surfbird, or Rock Sandpiper. In flight, they have a distinct V-shape pattern on their wings. The photo shows Black Turnstone (all black), Dunlin (long bill), and Sanderling (lightest color).
Calidris sp.: Sanderling and Dunlin are two common shorebird species that are only absent from the Olympic Peninsula during the summer, mostly in June when they are breeding in the Arctic. These species are roughly the same size. Sanderling has comparatively short stout bill.

Calidris sp.: Least Sandpiper and Western Sandpiper are both peeps, the name given to the five smallest shorebird species that can be easily confused if you do not have a close enough view. Least have yellow legs and darker brown overall color. Western have black legs and a long droopy bill.
California Quail: Both male and female quail are pictured. The male has a large dark head plume, reddish cap and dark face outlined in white, streaky more colorful body. The female is much plainer. Quail are more common in Sequim/Dungeness and are generally not found in the park though there have been sightings at Hurricane Ridge and Lake Crescent.
Grouse: Both the reddish-colored Ruffed Grouse and Sooty Grouse (which lacks a crown) are resident here on the Olympic Peninsula with the Sooty being more associated with higher elevations and the Ruffed being more common in the river valleys. Ruffed almost always flushes whereas Sooty tends to stand their ground and can even be aggressive.

Pigeons and Doves: The Band-tailed Pigeon and smaller Eurasian Collared-Dove both have "collars" on the back of the their head/neck and can be found at bird feeders together along with Rock Pigeon. Most wild pigeon sightings in the park are Band-tailed Pigeon. The Olympic Peninsula Mourning Doves are mostly centered around Sequim/Dungeness.
Raptors: The Olympic Peninsula hosts a decent number of raptors with more diversity during migration including Turkey Vulture, Osprey, and Golden Eagle. The Sequim/Dungeness area has more open spaces for species like the Northern Harrier. Forest hawks or accipiters like the Cooper's Hawk are adapted to hunting in forested habitat. All three accipiter species breed here.
Bald Eagle: It takes around five years for immature Bald Eagles to become adults showing their diagnostic all white head and tail and black body with no white showing on the wings. The all dark raptor pictured is a juvenile Bald Eagle and an immature Bald Eagle is pictured with a spattering of white in the plumage. A Bald Eagle nest is also pictured.
Red-tailed Hawk: This is our most common Buteo species. Red-tailed hawk do not always have a red tail like the juvenile bird pictured. They do have a dark patagial mark on the leading edge of the wing (but it is not always visible if the plumage is also dark) seen in flight. Rough-legged Hawk will overwinter here.

Falcons: The American Kestrel and Merlin are small acrobatic falcons that can be found here year-round. Kestrels hover when flying whereas Merlins can fly close to the ground and will catch prey by surprise. Merlins reuse the nests of other birds. Kestrels nest in cavities, prefer open habitat, and can be found nesting in the Olympic Mountains.

Peregrine Falcon: Peregrines nest on cliffs and will adapt to nest on human infrastructure. They are found near open water and I have seent them hunting and eating gulls. In the photo, one of the pair of Peregrines just captured a shorebird possibly a Black Turnstone.

Owls: Northern Pygmy Owl is so small, it is easy to overlook. Barred Owl has mostly replaced Spotted Owl on the Olympic Peninsula. Barred Owl is more aggressive and a generalist. We also have Barn Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Great Horned Owl, Western Screech-Owl, Short-eared Owl and rarely Snowy Owl.
Swifts and Nighthawk: Vaux's Swift usually make their presence known through their distinct flight calls and nest in open-top dead tree or man-made chimneys. During migration, Vaux's Swift will roost in large numbers in chimneys if not predated on by American Crows. Black Swifts nest in sea caves near Cape Flattery. Common Nighthawk nest on the ground.
Anna's Hummingbird: The range of the Anna's hummingbird has been expanding north and this is now the dominant resident species at least around human infrastructure. Although the Anna's are largely reliant on sugar water during the winter, they are quite resilient and can catch insects and will consume sap from sapsucker holes.
Rufous Hummingbird: These migratory hummingbirds are smaller than the Anna's and more wild in their preferred habits. That being said, Rufous will still dwell close to human habitation, especially if some of their favorite flowers like Salvia or Croscomia are in bloom. The sound of the male's wings in flight is a musical sound that is one of the best identification features.

Swallows: A pair of Tree Swallows cling to the side of a Red Alder snag (dead standing tree) and the male is over a cavity hole that is presumably where the pair planning to build a nest. The male Violet-green Swallow pictured is also a cavity nesting bird. Tree Swallows tends to select nesting sites adjacent to wetlands.
Martin and Swallow: The birding community on the Olympic Peninsula has been working to reestablish Purple Martin colonies. Starlings are nest competitors so Martin nest boxes are designed and placed to try to exclude Starlings. The Northern Rough-winged Swallow nests in burrows that are made by other species.

Swallows: The Barn Swallow and the Cliff Swallow both build their nests on made-made structures like barns and bridges. Although similarly colored, the Barn Swallow has long forked tail whereas the Cliff Swallow has a buffy rump and white forehead spot. Both forage over similar habitat.
Belted Kingfisher: This is the only Kingfisher species in most of the United States and Canada. Habitat on the Olympic Peninsula is good for Kingfishers as there is ample clear water, fish, and exposed banks for their nest burrows. The female has reddish brown coloring on the sides and belly that is lacking in the male.

Red-breasted Sapsucker: Like other sapsuckers, the Red-breasted Sapsucker drills rows of horizontal holes into live trees in order to extract sap. When fruit trees or other non-native trees are available, older trees can become so riddled with holes that it is amazing the tree survives. Red-breasted Sapsucker is present year-round.

Woodpeckers: Hairy Woodpecker are about twice as large as Downy Woodpecker with a relatively larger bill. Pileated Woodpeckers are generally shy and easier to hear drumming than to view. The American Three-toed can be found in recently burned sites usually in the mountains.

Northern Flicker: The male sticking his head out of a tree cavity is a Red-shafted Northern Flicker. The other male pictured has a red crescent mark on the back of the head which is a feature of the Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker. He is an intergrade or cross between the two subspecies.

Olympic National Park Songbirds
Olympic National Park songbird photos. The vocal organ of songbirds (Passeriformes) generally produces complex bird song that delight us all.